Price / Payments
Prices are in Singapore Dollars, unless otherwise stated in other currencies.
All prices quoted are subject to the prevailing Government Goods and Services Tax.
This price-list supersedes any previous price-list. Prices may change without prior notice, especially with regards to import duties, GST, major currency
fluctuations and/or the Management’s price revision. In these circumstances, prices will be adjusted with immediate effect and the Management is under no
obligation to update the Customer’s price-list. Prices are final when goods invoiced are received & acknowledged by the Customer upon delivery. Terms &
conditions of sales may change without any prior notice.
Unless the customer has an approved credit account with Gelmax, payment must be made in full at the time of delivery of goods, failing which Gelmax
reserves the right to retain the goods, without prejudice to any of its other rights. Gelmax also reserves the right to change payment terms and conditions
without any prior notice.
The legal and beneficial title to the goods shall remain solely and absolutely with Gelmax until full payment for the goods is received.
An interest rate of 1.5% per month will be imposed on overdue invoices. At the same time, all goods that have been invoiced but not paid for in full remain the
property of Gelmax and Gelmax retains the right to repossess such goods. Customer shall bear all costs incurred for the recovery of late payments and
Gelmax property.
Notwithstanding anything herein, the risk for goods sold or supplied by Gelmax shall pass to the Customer upon delivery of such goods to them.
An administrative fee of $10 per copy will be charged in the event that Gelmax is requested to provide a duplicate copy of its invoice to the Customer.